"Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of copyright law changes in the UK, especially as they affect interlibrary loan.
Design/methodology/approach – Analysis of new legislation were tested against interlibrary needs.
Findings – The new laws bring major benefits to libraries and their users by expanding the types of material available and simplifying the management procedures required for document delivery. Weiterlesen
"Der Versand von Kopien und Scans wissenschaftlicher Aufsätze durch Bibliotheken ist mit dem Urheberrecht vereinbar. Zu diesem Schluss kommt das Schweizer Bundesgericht und hebt das Urteil des Zürcher Handelsgerichts auf."
"Bibliotheken dürfen auf Bestellung Zeitschriftenartikel kopieren oder scannen und verschicken. Das sagt das Bundesgericht und beurteilt die Tätigkeit des Dokumentenlieferdienst der ETH als zulässig."
"Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the evolution of document supply from traditional print copy delivery to a modern service of resource discovery and secure electronic supply.
Design/methodology/approach – The study is based on evidence from empirical data at INIST, as well as enquiries and case studies from other suppliers and customers. Weiterlesen
"Purpose – This column seeks to look at the case of a long-standing project to arrange document delivery between US and German libraries. This case represents the broader problem of international document delivery.
Design/methodology/approach – The primary methodology is anthropological. The column considers cultural and economic differences and assumptions, as well as differences between the law codes that enable document delivery. Weiterlesen
Erfasst von Ben Kaden am 14. Dezember 2010 - 13:04
VerfasserIn / HerausgeberIn:
Matutinovic, Stela Filipi; Pavlovic, Aleksandra
"Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to describe the developing constraints on the use of commercial electronically published material and in contrast the development of the open access movement. This and the situation for interlending and document supply are seen through the perspective of Serbia.
Design/methodology/approach - The paper takes a historical and descriptive approach. Weiterlesen
Purpose - This paper aims to describe the development and current situation of electronic document delivery by public libraries in Germany, taking into account the impact of the changing regulatory framework of German copyright law and the consequences of law suits against libraries and Subito. Weiterlesen