On 7–9 November 2010 the 5th Scholarly Communication Seminar of UNICA, the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe, took place in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal (http://www.unica-network.eu/event/5th-unica-scholarly-communication-seminar-%E2%80%9Cfind-it-get-it-use-it-store-it%E2%80%9D). The conference was entitled “Find it, Get it, Use it, Store it”; this title went to the heart of the actions that scholars want to undertake when doing and communicating their research.
Erfasst von Karin Ludewig am 23. November 2010 - 13:37
Ludewig, Karin
8. November 2010
5th UNICA Scholarly Communication Seminar: „Find it, Get it, Use it, Store it“; 7-9 November 2010, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
If you want to find it, get it, use it and store it, you’d rather check before with your lawyer specialized in copyright law whether you’re entitled to do so. Scholarly communication in most of its forms depends on the exceptions of copyright for teaching, scientific research and private study – and these are in danger of being restricted more and more by the legislator, for the political sake of strengthening the position of rights owners in the digital age. Therefore, the education and research sector needs a strong lobby group to represent their interest in a scholarship-friendly copyright vis-à-vis the European and the national legislators. ENCES, the European Network for Copyright in Support of Education and Science, is the recently founded international association which aims at improving the national and international copyright laws to make scholarly communication fit for the digital information age. In my talk I will present the ENCES association, its structure and recent activities; to illustrate its engagement I will discuss the need for a general privilege for education and research to be introduced into the EU copyright directive. The aim of the presentation is to invite dedicated copyright networks as well as interested institutions and individuals from the education and research sector of any European Member State to join the ENCES association.
The 5th UNICA Seminar on Scholarly Communication, entitled « Find it, Get it, Use it, Store it », addresses issues related to access to scholarly information. Technologies definitely increase the speed of scholarly communication, yet issues of accessibility of contents and of search efficiency are still raised.Weiterlesen
5th UNICA Scholarly Communication Seminar: “Find it, Get it, Use it, Store it”