
7th International Digital Curation Conference - IDCC 2011

7th International Digital Curation Conference - IDCC 2011
"Public? Private? Personal? navigating the open data landscape"

Vollständiges Programm hier

interessante Programmpunkte sind u.a.

  • DIENSTAG 6.12.11, 09.45 - 10.45: Organisational Perspectives

Data Matters: a view from a research funder David Lynn, Head of Strategic Planning & Policy, Wellcome Trust.

“Taking care of the university’s research data”Jeff Haywood, Vice Principal Knowledge Management, Chief Information Officer & Librarian, University Edinburgh.

“Data transparency : managing the legislative risk” Andrew Charlesworth, Director of the Centre for IT and Law (CITL) University of Bristol.

  • MITTWOCH 7.12.11, 11.45 - 13.00 (Parallel A): Policy & Legal

"Mandates to Share: moving from aspirational data policies to implementing good practice" - Sarah Jones, DCC, University of Glasgow

"The KRDS Benefit Analysis Toolkit: Development and Application" - Neil Beagrie, Charles Beagrie Ltd

"Freedom of Information in the UK and its Implications for Research in the Higher Education Sector" - Michael Jubb, Research Information Network

"What Your Tweets Tell Us About You: Identity, Ownership and Privacy of Twitter Data" - Kristine Kasianovitz, University of California, Los Angeles



  • DCC Associates: £275
  • DCC Non Associate: £325
  • Group Institutional Rate: £250

Ab dem 16.11.2011 beläuft sich Teilnahmegebühr für alle TeilnehmerInnen auf £325; ein Rabatt wird dann nicht mehr gewährt.

Twitter Hash-Tag der Konferenz: #idcc11

Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel - Bristol, England BS1 5TA United Kingdom
Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
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