"Fair use is often criticized as unpredictable and doctrinally incoherent - a conclusion which necessarily implies that the copyright system is fundamentally broken. This article confronts that critique by systematically assessing the predictability of fair use outcomes in litigation. Concentrating on the characteristics of copyright litigation that would be apparent to litigants pre-trial, this study tests a number of doctrinal assumptions, claims and intuitions that have not, until now, been subject to empirical scrutiny.Weiterlesen
"Professor Picker analyzes Judge Easterbrook's infrequent, but highly influential, opinions in the realm of copyright law with an emphasis on three copyright casebook favorites—Nash v CBS, Inc, Lee v A.R.T. Co, and ProCD, Inc v Zeidenberg. 77 U Chi L Rev 1055"
Rapport zum Urteil des Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris vom 18. Dezember 2009 (09/00540) Syndicat national de l'édition (SNE) vs. Google zum französischen Google Book Project im Rechtssprechungsdienst der ZUM.